Stephanie Yamkovenko's news writing experience spans multiple fields and publications. She has copywriting experience for social, email, websites and blogs.
Physicians are leaving private practices and flocking to hospitals. What does that mean for consumers? Cover story published in Frederick Gorilla Magazine.
More service members survive complex injuries than ever before. But what do their lives look like when they return home?
Medicare rates every nursing home—but what do those ratings mean for beneficiaries and their families? A look at which nursing homes in Frederick county made the grade.
Data visualization is not just for graphic designers. Quill magazine, of the Society of Professional Journalists, published Stephanie's tips for journalists who want to do data visualization. Download a PDF.
Published on, five tips to help media organizations increase Facebook engagement using analytics and insights. Read on
They're Good Dogs
Stephanie monitors media hits to highlight top placements or interesting stories on AOTA's social channels.
Hashtag Signs
Stephanie created handheld hashtag signs for Conference attendees to use as photo opps for their social posts.
Super Bowl Ad
Members of Stephanie's organization helped design the Xbox Adaptive Controller that was featured in a Super Bowl ad.